Essential Oils For Warts

Every once in a while, something really gets under our skin! The kind of thing that rankles, annoys, and sometimes hurts. And for some reason, it can take way too long to be rid of it! What happens when that something is on your skin? And it’s having the same effect on you—it hurts, is


Essential Oils and Pregnancy – Is It Safe?

Pregnancy. One of the most precious times in a woman’s life, full of imagination and possibilities. Your hair looks glorious your breasts become fuller and you walk around with a radiant glow as life emerges inside of your very body. Who am I trying to kid! That was certainly not my reality. Three kids down


Your Personal Guide – How To Test New Essential Oil

Or… Building A Lasting Relationship With Your Essential Oil Congratulations on your purchase of a brand new bottle of oil. We recognize how exciting it is, because we feel the same sense of anticipation every time one of our searches for an oil reaches its climax too. Your bottle asked us to whisper a few


Therapeutic Grade Essential Oils – The Truth You Should Know…

Should The Fact That Your Oils Are Not Labelled Therapeutic Grade Concern You? Great question… With a very easy answer. Nope. Not in the slightest. The term Therapeutic Grade is a trademarked term belonging to one of the larger essential oils companies as recognition of their own in-house testing methods. Likewise, the term “Food Grade


15 Essential Oils For Pain Relief & How To Use Them

Pain – we have all experienced it in some way from the mild sting of a paper cut to the tenacious dull ache of arthritis to the debilitating fiery migraine. It is a universal subjective sensory experience and one that scientists have long been working to understand. Although we all know what pain feels like,


Essential Oils For Colds [Top 22] & How To Use

It’s about that time of year when those pesky cold symptoms start to show themselves… oh what’s that you say? It happens all year round? It’s true – colds can be caught just about anytime, and the runny noses, sneezing, sore throats, lung congestion, aches, pains, and exhaustion can be overwhelming. There are many traditional


Essential Oils For Inflammation [Top 10] & Methods Of Use

Inflammation is quite a broad topic. It can involve virtually all of your body systems. And it can be treated in a number of ways, one of which is with essential oils. Yet you wonder—what is inflammation and how will you know if you it? Inflammation is your immune system responding to something that is


Essential Oils For Sore Throat [9 Best] & Ways To Use

A sore throat could be a sign of many things.  A beacon at the onset of illness, a symptom of irritation due to environmental factors, allergic sensitivity.  Whatever the cause, it hurts, and it is no fun. Most sore throats are caused by viral infections-colds or the flu.  Adding insult to injury, conventional medicine has