Essential Oils Safe For Kids? Here’s What You Should Know

Undoubtedly essential oils are one of the best ways to care for an protect your children. They support healthy immune function, create emotional resilience and simply maintain a wonderfully loving ambiance in the home. It would be very easy then, to imagine these might be safe medicines that can be used with no consideration, but


Essential Oils For Breastfeeding – Complete Mom’s Guide

For the most part essential oils are safe for breastfeeding, as long as you keep the dilution very low. I would stay as small as just 1%, and only really if needed. Babies navigate the world through smell and their relationship with mum is quintessentially intertwined with their experience of aroma. Using strong fragrances can


Essential Oils For Babies – The How To Use Mom’s Guide

In the previous article, we looked at essential oil safety for babies, and how it affects the bonding process between baby and mom. Let’s now discuss how we can use essential oils when it comes to our precious infants. Using Essential Oils to Help Baby Sleep We know enough to recognize that baby can smell,


Essential Oils For Fertility – How to Use & Best Oils

Fertility reality involves equal parts of physiology, psychology, and planning. Hormones balanced, matched moods, and a special time each month. If only this could be more magical and spontaneous! A couple’s chance of conceiving each month they try is 25-30% for women under age 35. That percent decreases with age. You know there are ways


Ingesting Essential Oils – Is It Safe?

Ingestion – the elephant in the room. There’s a lot of talk in the essential oil community about ingestion, it is perhaps one of the more controversial topics of late. It would be remiss of us not to address this topic. Let’s talk about the elephant in the room – the ingestion of essential oils.


Essential Oils Terms & Slang (Glossary)

So, you wanna talk the talk before the walk the walk? No worries, we got your back! Here are the most popular essential oils terms, slang and words you should know so you’ll be able to keep up with your Aromatherapy enthusiasts friends. 😉 Oh and veterans? We’re sure you’ll learn something new too! Here


Essential Oils 101 For Beginners: Intro & Basic Guide To Get Started!

Welcome To Essential Oils 101–Your Guide To Essential Oils These are exciting times for essential oil enthusiasts! Essential oils are enjoying worldwide popularity and recognition. The appeal of essential oils stems from their versatility and ability to harmonize with people’s wellness needs and desires. essential oils, as they are often called, promise to unleash your


What Are Essential Oils?

“What Exactly Are Essential Oils?” People who are new to this world love to ask this. And.. they are right! It can be confusing. Well… The standard answer is “the concentrated essence of a plant”. And that would be right. But where is the magic in that? I’m bored already, aren’t you? And if there