Essential Oils For Bug Bites

Ahhhh, the great outdoors. There’s nothing better than getting into nature and spending hours soaking up the beauty of the natural world. There are so many amazing creatures living their lives all around us. Sometimes I’ll just sit in one spot in nature and watch everything that happens over the course of an hour. …Birds


How To Use Essential Oils – Basic & Most Popular Methods Explained

The Basics Of Essential Oils Our human bodies are made of the same basic elements as all other living beings. As we attune deeply to this fact, it’s natural to begin to look in the direction of traditional earth-based medicines that have been used successfully for millennia to nourish the human body. Many people have


Essential Oils For Eczema – Best Oils And How To Use!

Our skin is our body’s largest organ.  Skin protects us from the elements and shelters all the complicated systems of the body. It is an organ of elimination, helping to bring toxins to the surface and release them. Our skin is a sensitive organ, and like the rest of our body seeks balance to be


Funny Essential Oil T-Shirts That’ll Make You Laugh… (HARD)

You can tell a lot about a person from the clothes they wear. An outfit can often reveal a fragment of the person’s personality, music taste, lifestyle, and more often than not, what stage they’re in with their walk of life. funny essential oil t-shirts It’s time to level up, and make your personality diffuse the