Essential Oils For ADHD – Safe Guide For Kids (And Their Parents…)

ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) is a complex neurological disorder that affects approximately 11% of children and 5% of adults It is described as a developmental impairment of the brain’s self-management system, or its executive functions. It is characterized by challenges maintaining focus and concentration, as well as feeling a lack of agency over where,


Cypress Essential Oil Uses To Try Out!

Are you emotionally stagnant? Do you suffer from the ‘never satisfied’ disease of perfectionism? Would it bring immense joy to your existence if you ditched rigidity and let your hair down, sometimes? We already saw that cypress is that kind of oil. It’s an emotional cleanser that facilitates and encourages change. Now let’s look t


16+ Cypress Essential Oil Benefits You Never Knew About!

Positivity – that’s what cypress essential oil throws at its users. There’s no time to entertain joy-sucking emotions with this soothing extract on hand. It’s an oil of motion and flow, helping you rid your mind and life of things you cannot control. Description Botanical Name: Cupressus sempervirens Origin: Eastern Mediterranean, Europe Extraction Method: Steam


15 Lavender Essential Oil Uses To Better Your Life In All Aspects

Lavender essential oil offers ancient ways of knowing that benefit our contemporary lives. It eases tension, offering calm to heart and mind. It captivates with its green-gray evergreen stem, leaves, and welcoming fragrance, arousing the too often quiet voice of inner wisdom. One whiff of its blossoms or buds in a sachet, brings each of


Lavender Essential Oil Benefits (King For A Reason?)

Call them purple or lavender, the shade is in the eye of the beholder. Yet the overall description of a field of blossoming lavender defies description. It is radiant, magnificent, spell-binding. And so it is with lavender essential oil. It bestows balance, grace, protection, and positive power. Description Botanical Name: Lavandula angustifolia Origin: Mediterranean Extraction


8 Ways To Use Eucalyptus Essential Oil (Uses List Breakdown)

As we saw, Eucalyptus essential oil, like many pure essential oils, is a panacea for humans and animals alike.  It promotes healing and wellness in several body systems. Let’s explore the many methods of use of this amazing oil. 1. Respiratory Wellness Steam Inhalation Using eucalyptus can help open and clear occasional stuffiness associated with seasonal


Oil By Oil – Specific Safety Precautions

Essential oils offer many benefits for many people around the world. They have done so for thousands of years, and hopefully will for many, many more to come. Yet, we need to be wise and clear in our choices. First and foremost know your own strengths and limitations, be it your general wellbeing, your mood


Ingesting Essential Oils – Is It Safe?

Ingestion – the elephant in the room. There’s a lot of talk in the essential oil community about ingestion, it is perhaps one of the more controversial topics of late. It would be remiss of us not to address this topic. Let’s talk about the elephant in the room – the ingestion of essential oils.