Copaiba Essential Oil Uses – 15 Ways How To Use Copaiba +Recipes!

uses of copaiba essential oil

If you’re trying to elude deep tissue and muscle aches, copaiba is no joke. The oil is a powerful pain buster, even sporting the ability to relieve headaches and migraines. Copaiba is a warming comfort oil that lifts the spirit, especially during those cold, winter blues.

The extract also works on your emotional wellbeing. Conditions that would otherwise leave you broken and stressed, flee at the sight of this oil. Even your skin bows low to copaiba to seal in the beauty that it offers. It’s a powerful remedy against nasty outbreaks and those ugly stretch marks you’re forced to look at. Are you ready to be amazed by the oil? Here are a few recipe blends to consider.

1. Keep Me On My Game Oil

This topical oil is designed to help you feel like the tree from which it comes. Strong. Confident. Able to reach astounding heights. Admired for your gifts and talents.

Stay on top of your game by using this blend for immune system support, especially when you have added stress, or colds and flu are making the rounds!

  • This oil deserves the clarifying nature of a cobalt blue bottle
  • 30 ml grapeseed carrier oil (for quick skin absorption)
  • 6 drops copaiba
  • 4 drops clary sage
  • 4 drops peppermint
  • 4 drops roman chamomile

Blend the oils well by dropping them into your beautiful blue (or any other) bottle and swirling it around. Massage into pulse points a few days a week:

  • Wrist pulse points at the inside of the wrists below the thumb.
  • Elbow points are located on the inside of each arm.
  • Knee points are at the back of your knees.
  • Or try the pulse points on the inside of your ankles!

2. Valiant Vaporizer

This tantalizing simple blend brings you the entwined supports of copaiba and lavender. You’ll be wrapped in a deep goodness that will soften the edges of inflammation.

  • 30 ml distilled water.
  • 3 drops copaiba
  • 3 drops lavender

Place a candle-lit vaporizer in your immediate area. Add the water and oills. Breathe in the vapors for 30 minutes, quieting your whole being as you do. Check and replenish for longer vaporization.

3. Sitz Bath Reliever

Be it hemorrhoids or tender tissues in one’s genital area, copaiba essential oil offers relief and aids with moving beyond infection or irritation.

  • Locate a sitz bath basin or bowl that will fit in the toilet with the seat up.
  • 8 drops copaiba
  • 2 tbsp witch hazel extract
  • 1/4 cup epsom salts

Blend the oil and witch hazel. This will prevent the oil from floating on the top of the water, with the added benefit of witch hazel to combat pain and itching.

Add warm water to the basin, add the epsom salts then the oil blend and swish around to mix thoroughly. Please test with fingers to assure it is not too hot for your delicates. Sit so that the inflamed area is immersed in this protective bath.

Best to sit for 15 minutes. The cooling water adds to this method’s positive effects. Arise with care and gently pat dry.

Note: It is okay to take a full bath following these directions. The advantage of a sitz bath is that the inflamed area is not exposed to wastes from sloughing skin of other body areas.

4. Keep Me Calm Oil

This calming oil blends protective essential oils with touch and analgesic benefits. The pain and discomfort of inflammation are reduced by the oils’ benefits, complemented by touch that overrides pain messages to the brain.

Prepare this 2% blend using:

  • 15 ml of your favorite carrier oil
  • 2 drops copaiba
  • 2 drops lavender
  • 2 drops tea tree

Blend everything well. Massage the oil wherever you have inflammation:

Massage your abdomen below and over the navel in a clockwise motion. This follows your large intestine, gently coaxing the release of wastes.

Massage on sore joints or muscles, concentrating on strokes that move toward the heart. This gentle action encourages toxins to move on out!

5. Loose And Limber Massage Oil

This oil doesn’t mess around. It knows that deep aches and pains require an oil with staying power. Just as the copaiba tree stretches high and wide for sunshine, this oil reaches out to you with its uplifting comfort.

  • 35 ml aloe vera oil
  • 10 ml grapeseed carrier oil
  • 8 drops copaiba
  • 8 drops roman chamomile
  • 4 drops benzoin absolute.

Pour the aloe vera and grapeseed oils into a glass jar and then add the rest of the ingredients. Blend well. Apply to those achy areas, massaging deeply and extending beyond the immediate area of pain.

6. It’s Not Winter Everywhere Diffuser

Copaiba essential oil is the perfect choice for an uplifting difusing blend during those chilly winter days as it comes from a tropical rainforest…ah, the lift of lush, green, earthy warmth!

A medium ceramic bowl is just right for this tangy diffuser blend.

  • A bowl of warm water
  • lemon slices
  • 5 drops copaiba
  • 10 drops lemon

Add the oils to the water and blend well. Keep as a centerpiece for a gently diffusing pick-me-up on dreary days.

7. Tent Inhalation

This is such a warm, nurturing method for headache care, be the cause tension or migraine. It’s also fairly easy to pull together, a welcome benefit when you’re hurting.

  • Very warm water
  • 3 drops each copaiba
  • 3 drops lemon
  • 2 drops benzoin absolute.

Fill a large bowl with very warm water, blend well. Best to sit in a chair while you inhale!

Use a large towel to make a tent tucking in at the sides. Place your face 6 to 8 inches from the water, taking care not to scald your skin. Inhale the soothing vapors for 10 to 15 minutes. Gift yourself with some quiet time to let the oil vapors work their magic.

8. Loving Lift-Me Oil

This blend is one to have on hand wherever you go! One never knows when the first inkling of a headache will appear, so being able to reach for this is a gift in itself.

  • 15 ml grapeseed oil
  • 3 drops copaiba
  • 3 drops lavender

Add the oils to a glass jar, and swirl around to blend well. Gently massage oil behind your ears and at nape of your neck at first sign of a headache or migraine. If you choose to massage at temples use sparingly and with extra caution near your eyes.

9. Skin Quick Fix

This use is not only quick, it is also versatile! It can be applied to acne flare spots, stretch marks, and aging skin as it sags.

  • 10 ml coconut
  • 6 drops copaiba

Blend well and apply directly to the affected area. Use each day.

10. Sealing Comfort Oil

This oil blends the well known skin benefits of tea tree essential oil with those of copaiba and frankincense. The oil has staying power that offers the benefits of protection and relief for skin discomfort.

  • 20 ml aloe vera oil
  • 5 drops tea tree
  • 8 drops lavender
  • 4 drops frankincense
  • 3 drops copaiba

Pour the aloe vera oil into a glass bottle, add the rest of the oils and blend well. Massage gently onto the affected irritation. The aloe vera oil will dry, helping to seal the area.

11. Tune In, The Tone Oil’s On!

This all purpose toning oil offers protection along with tightening your skin, adding a special glow. If you wish, turn on your favorite music while applying this blend, enhancing your experience.

  • 30 ml calendula oil
  • 5 drops copaiba
  • 3 drops sandalwood
  • 5 drops lavender
  • 5 drops rose geranium

Pour the calendula oil into a glass jar and add the rest of the oils. Blend well and massage thoroughly as desired

12. No More Moodiness Blend

Well, the mood will improve with this sweet little pulse point blend. The compounds in these essential oils link with brain receptors to gently lift your spirits.

  • 20 ml of your favorite carrier oil
  • 4 drops geranium bourbon
  • 4 drops gingergrass
  • 2 drops copaiba
  • 2 drops patchouli

Blend the oils well and apply to pulse points, balancing applications on both right and left sides of your body.

  • Wrist pulse points are on the inside of your wrists at the base of each thumb.
  • Elbow pulse points are on the inside of your arm.
  • Knee pulse points are on the back of your knees.

Which pulse point do you like to use? (Comment below!)

13. Moody Matters Moisture Scrub

At times it would be wonderful to wash one’s hands of some things. Here’s an aromatic scrub to cleanse and exfoliate your hands, bringing you balance as you rinse worries down the drain.

  • A wide mouth jar
  • 60 ml coconut carrier oil
  • 1 tablespoon sea salt
  • 12 drops geranium bourbon
  • 12 drops bergamot FCF (fluorocarbon free)
  • 6 drops copaiba
  • 6 drops patchouli

Blend the oils well, and add to the jar. Use a small amount to wash and gently scrub your hands. (Avoid facial use please.)

14. Don’t Mind If I Do Inhaler

Inhaling an Essential Oil is a quick and gentle way to gain benefits. This is one method to keep by your side.

  • 2 drops copaiba
  • 2 drops lemon

Locate a nice little bottle and a small piece of cloth. Be sure that the folded cloth will fit in the bottle. Drop the essential oils on the cloth, fold and insert into the bottle.

At the very first onset of stress or anxiety symptoms, open the little bottle and take some whiffs. Take a few full cleansing breaths to mobilize the vapors in your system.

15. Pillow Whisper Wonder

Stress and anxiety mount quickly when fatigued. It becomes a vicious cycle. Just take a few minutes to prepare this sleepy time method to be your pillow buddy.

  • 2 drops lavender
  • 1 drop copaiba
  • 1 drop benzoin absolute

Find a small piece of soft cloth. Drop the oils onto the cloth and tuck under the edge of your pillow just before going to bed. Drift off to a great sleep, then wake up refreshed and calm.

The Bottom Line

  • Use copaiba in a soothing massage blend to give you confidence and that ‘A’ game. The oil boosts the immune system, helping you fight against sniffles, colds, and flu.
  • Copaiba can be used in a sitz bath to relieve muscle aches and inflammation. It’ll also help to soothe hemorrhoids and tender tissues in the genital region.
  • Add copaiba to your skin regime to keep pimple and blackheads under control. You’ll see healthier, beautiful skin when used daily.
  • Use copaiba as a wonder oil by adding a few drops to your pillow before you retire to bed. It’ll help you destress, removing anxiety and concerns of the world.

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