Top 21 Peppermint Essential Oil Uses You Should Try!

Now that we know the myriad of possibilities in a bottle of peppermint essential oil, let’s explore the many ways we can use this fresh and uplifting friend. 1. Body Mist For Dry, Itchy Skin 2 drops of oil 1 teaspoon of whole milk 8 ounce spray bottle distilled or filtered water Add ingredients to the spray


23 Ginger Essential Oil Uses That’ll Keep You Busy & Healthy!

With all the options out there for essential oils, ginger is a great one to have in your medicine cabinet, as it has such a wide variety of benefits. Ginger is like the vibrantly effervescent friend who also manages to soothe and ground your spirit. Powerful combo! Now let’s see exactly how we can harness


Essential Oils For Fertility – How to Use & Best Oils

Fertility reality involves equal parts of physiology, psychology, and planning. Hormones balanced, matched moods, and a special time each month. If only this could be more magical and spontaneous! A couple’s chance of conceiving each month they try is 25-30% for women under age 35. That percent decreases with age. You know there are ways


8 Oregano Essential Oil Uses (Powerful & Practical Methods)

As we have seen, Oregano’s benefits invigorate and heals our skin, improves wellness, positively affects emotions and spruces up home cleaning. Here is how you can incorporate them into your daily life. Keep in mind the safety precautions of each oil! 1. Skin Healing Gel This gel is perfect for warts and body acne. 15 ml


Oregano Essential Oil Benefits For Colds, Warts, Skin Tags & More!

Humble, yet powerful and persevering, devoted and balancing, Oregano essential oil, carries years of healing experience and a rich spicy aroma that has established it as a culinary treasure in the world’s cuisines. As a native herb growing wild in the rocky hills and mountains of Greece and other countries of the Mediterranean region, oregano


Top 14 Pink Grapefruit Essential Oil Uses To Try!

You have been introduced to Pink Grapefruit’s radiant and vibrant benefits, so all that is missing from your life are the ways to use this gem of an essential oil. Let’s jump right in – that is, unless you are pregnant, in which case you need to review this article. 1. Smooth Skin Massage Oil